Every time we go to my aunts house in Concord CA she always climbs in bed with me and wakes me up. I finally asked her why and she says she sees these little white lights in thhe guest bedroom she is in. She told me that every time she tries to look at them they dissippear. She is now telling me she tihnks their eyes. Now one thing you need to know about my sister is that she has a phobia of being alone in the dark, so I think it is her phobia but... she wanted me to tell you about it and see what you think 'cause our 'rents don't beleive her.
Now, what you tell me is, that she's been seeing white lights? Those, may be considered as "orbs" to some people, mainly believers, but in this case, since your sister has a phobia of being alone.. Hmm, it sounds interesting. Once I become a paranormal investigator (I can dream can't I?) I'd definatly want to check it out, but in the mean time, I think it could be just a trick of the imagination.
You see, I have a phobia of closed spaces, and at night, when I am going to sleep I can often see the walls moving in and out slowly, almost like they are breathing. Like they are ready to inclose on me, but I know it's just my imagination playing a trick on me.
It could just be that your sister's adrenaline is pumping, and her fears are growing when she's alone that her concious makes out lights or objects, appearing to be "orbs" or something out of the ordinary, but there have been reports of the paranormal, and things aren't always what they seem.
If you can, can you inform me of what happens the next time you go back to your aunt's?
Hope I could help.
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