Friday 27 May 2011

Stories To Tell

If you or anyone you know had an experiance's with the paranormal:

eg. My mom was babysitting by herself when she was my age when she looked out the window and saw a circular object hovering above the house she was babysitting at. Bright lights were lighting on the object and it seemed to be spinning. The kids she was babysitting were frightened and the phone lines were busy due to all of the 911 calls that were reported. Many people seen this phenomenon.

If you'd like to share your story or the story of someone else you can comment, if you'd like me to share it on my blog than don't forget to write SHARE if you do not want me to share it on my blog than don't forget to write DON'T SHARE.


  1. Share but it is silly

    This is silly but it freaks me out. I had a little flash light that was bright yellow. Well I kept it on my bed table for safe keeping. Well since it was bright yellow I could see it in the dark. one night I was staring at it then I blinked and it disappeared. I turned the light on and looked ever where I couldn't find it! But every time I needed it it returned but no matter where I put it in the morning it was gone! I thought of just holding it but the yellow flash light never returned as it knew of its fate.

  2. Share but this is my sisters.

    Every time we go to my aunts house in Concord CA she always climbs in bed with me and wakes me up. I finally asked her why and she says she sees these little white lights in thhe guest bedroom she is in. She told me that every time she tries to look at them they dissippear. She is now telling me she tihnks their eyes. Now one thing you need to know about my sister is that she has a phobia of being alone in the dark, so I think it is her phobia but... she wanted me to tell you about it and see what you think 'cause our 'rents don't beleive her.

  3. Share.

    I have a dog named Jake, who's about 8 years old. And all the time, he barks and barks at my older sisters room. I know that animals can sense ghosts, mainly dogs, so I kinda freaked out. My older sister disregards that there's anything wrong, but I heard her talking to my mom, saying that she wanted to move. And, when my parents used my older sisters room for a room for my little sister when she was three, my little sister screamed and cried at night, saying that ghosts were trying to take her. I'm not sure what's wrong with that room...but one time, I heard someone whispering my name when I walked by her door, and no one was there. I sometimes get scratches that I can't explain too. Long, red ones.

    I don't know what it is, but I thought I'd ask you. I mean, it could be my fear of ghosts playing a trick on my mind.

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