Friday, 27 May 2011

Sasquatch or Bigfoot

In my culture the sasquatch is well known. Legends have been passed down from generation to generation. It is an unexplained phenomenon. Many believe this myth to be true, while others are quick to disagree. I, myself have had an encounter. It wasn't a physical encounter but... you have to read on to get what I mean.

Last year, while I was spending the night at my best friend, Patricia's house with my other best friend Willard, we were gaming out. Playing Modern Warfare 2 all night and telling ghost stories. I told the one of my mother, when she was young having an encounter with what she thought of as a real UFO and of how my aunties were chased out of their tree fort they made near an Indian burial ground. Anyways we were all scared and I was hiding by Willard. We were laying in Patricia's bed, all three of us, while Patricia's younger sister was laying on the floor. Seeing that her sister was getting up Patricia shined the light on her. When me and Willard looked she was getting up and she looked like a zombie and that scared us. Me and Willard started cussing and we like huddled with each other 'cause we got startled. Sound funny? It was! But than Patricia's sister fell asleep again and it was only me, Willard, and Patricia up. We were talking again and all three of us were getting freaked out 'cause it was 3 o'clock am and that's when the spirits/ghosts start to come out. Well around 2:30 and 3:00am and so we were all jumpy. It was the summer and it was hot out, even at night so Patricia had her window wide open, but there was a screen to keep bugs and mosquitos out. Anyways all of a sudden we heard a death scream! I basically crapped bricks! I grabbed Willard's hand and I like buried myself into him while Patricia did that to my back. All three of us stayed dead silent for a half an hour before finally discussing what we heard. We all came to the conclusion that is must've been a sasquatch. There have been sightings of them from where I live all the way to another indian reservation, a reserve called Chehalis. There everyone believes in the bigfoot. They even have a tour place called "The Sasquatch Tours" and my grandpa's wife (my step grandmother) her sister owns "The Sasquatch Tours" and her son runs it. I went to it as a school field trip when I was in grade 5 and I didn't see anything but a seal. But the son told me personally that he had seen a real life sasquatch with it's baby which was taller than me. He said they were at the river drinking and they cupped their hands and were drinking from the water. My mother told me to not listen to them, she said they were a crazy family but then again my mother never liked my step grandma...

Believe or not believe, I'm not for sure that what I heard was a sasquatch but I have many more stories of bigfoot. My own twin brother was staying at the river where "The Sasquatch Tours" are held for a camp and he heard huge boulders being thrown and a death cry. Again, for certain we do not know what we heard, but to me, I personally believe it was a sasquatch.

British Columbia is a place where sasquatch/bigfoot sitings are most reported. It's your choice if your a believer or an onlooker.

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